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React Native - Pitel VoIP demo N|Solid


Note react-native-pitel-demo using react native 0.74.1 Make sure "PitelCallNotif" must wrap on the first screen (the first screen that appears when opening the app, like example). Please refer to the example before integrating the package into your application.

  • Setup to wake up app: please follow guide in here to setting push notification (FCM for android), Pushkit (for IOS).
yarn install
  • Installing your Firebase configuration file:
  • Android: add file google-services.json to android/app/google-services.json
  • IOS: open Xcode & add file GoogleService-Info.plist to ios/GoogleService-Info.plist (guide in here)


  • In file src/screens/home_screen/index.js please enter the information.
const ext = `${EXTENSION}`;
const sipPass = `${EXTENSION_SIP_PASSWORD}`;
const appId = `${BUNDLE_ID}`;
const domainUrl = `${DOMAIN}`;
const displayName = `${EXTENSION_DISPLAY_NAME}`; // Display name of extension when incoming/outgoing call.

const sdkOptionsInit = {
sipDomain: `${DOMAIN}`,
port: `${PORT}`,
extension: ext,
wssServer: `${WSS_URL}`,
sipPassword: sipPass,
bundleId: appId, // Bundle id for IOS
packageId: appId, // Package id for Android
teamId: `${TEAM_ID}`,
displayName: displayName,
  • In file src/screens/home_screen/home_screen.js please enter the information.
const ext = `${EXTENSION}`;
const phone = `${CALL_OUT_PHONE_NUMBER}`;
const iosAppName = `${IOS_APP_NAME}`;
  • In file index.js please enter the information.
const options = {
ios: {
appName: `${APP_NAME}`,
android: {
foregroundService: {
channelId: `${PACKAGE_ID}`,

Run source code

// Android
yarn android

// IOS
yarn ios
yarn ios --device="device_name" // specific device