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React Native - Pitel VoIP demo N|Solid


Note rn-pitel-demo using react native 0.71.4

  • Setup to wake up app: please follow guide in here to setting push notification (FCM for android), Pushkit (for IOS).
yarn install
  • Installing your Firebase configuration file:
  • Android: add file google-services.json to android/app/google-services.json
  • IOS: open Xcode & add file GoogleService-Info.plist to ios/GoogleService-Info.plist (guide in here)


  • In file src/screens/home_screen/index.js please enter the information.
const ext = `${EXTENSION}`;
const sipPass = `${EXTENSION_SIP_PASSWORD}`;
const appId = `${BUNDLE_ID}`;
const domainUrl = `${DOMAIN}`;
const sdkOptionsInit = {
sipDomain: `${DOMAIN}:${PORT}`,
wssServer: `${WSS_URL}`,
sipPassword: sipPass,
bundleId: appId, // Bundle id for IOS
packageId: appId, // Package id for Android
teamId: `${TEAM_ID}`, // Team id of Apple developer account
  • In file src/screens/home_screen/home_screen please enter the information.
const ext = `${EXTENSION}`;
const phone = `${CALL_OUT_PHONE_NUMBER}`;
const iosAppName = `${IOS_APP_NAME}`;

Run source code

// Android
yarn android

// IOS
yarn ios
yarn ios --device="device_name" // specific device